Sunday 11 March 2012

Filling the Gaps

I have decided to deviate from my original plan of doing the windows, lights..etc.. as separate pieces in an effort to keep PC down and to make it all one single mesh.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Gettin down low!

Taken some edge loops out the wheels leaving me 308 under the PC for this assignment. Should be enough to work with for the wheel arches, windows and vents providing i only texture them in.

Lowering Pcount and Adding wheels

As is probably relatively obvious, i haven't added lights, windows or vents yet and my PolyCount is pretty much bang on. Which means i need to get rid of more, however i think i've hit my limit on removing them from the outer shell so i need to try to get rid of more from my wheels (already removed about 50 polys from wheels and 400 from body). Still building this car is almost finished now, then it's just time for the painstaking UV and texturing (texturing not being the painstaking bit)